Webflow Workspace Plans

Webflow Workspace PlansWebflow Workspace Plans
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A Workspace is a dedicated space within a Webflow account where you can find, create, manage and organize your websites. In your workspace you can also invite and collaborate with other Webflow users on your websites.

Every account on Webflow gets a workspace at sign-up, which is the starter (free) workspace.

If you are a freelancer or agency, you are very likely going to immediately need one of the paid options.

If you are not a designer, developer, or large organization, but only in need of a website, in many cases the starter workspace plan will be enough and you don’t need a paid workspace plan. You just need to invite a freelancer or agency guest (you can invite up to two guests) in your workspace to work on your project, or they create your project in their workspace and then transfer it to your workspace.

You will only need to pay for a Webflow site plan. If you want to see all plans at a glance, check out our comprehensive Webflow plans article.

You will need to upgrade to a paid Workspace in case that you need more than one seat, two unhosted sites, or collaboration features (like publishing permissions). Keep in mind that there is no limit to the number of paid hosted sites in a workspace.

Webflow’s Workspace Plans are divided into two main categories:

  • For in-house teams - ideal for collaboration within one organization
  • For freelancers & agencies - ideal if you are the one working on client projects

Starter (Free) Workspace Plan

When you sign up to Webflow, you get assigned a starter (free) workspace. Each account is entitled to one starter workspace. As the name suggests, it is free. In the starter workspace you can have two sites that are in a staging environment, and unlimited amounts of websites on paid site plans. You have the option to create and pay for multiple workspaces if needed.

If you are interested to learn more, read the Webflow Starter Workspace Plan article.

Workspace Plans for In-house Teams

Apart from the Starter and Enterprise plans which are common for both workspace categories, there are two workspace plans for in-house teams available:

  • Core - $19
  • Growth - $49

You can save up to 32% when billed yearly on all in-house teams plans.

Both the Core and the Growth plan offer greater features than the starter workspace plan. There are slight differences between these two in terms of features and capabilities. The main difference lies in the raised limits for various features like the number of users, staging sites etc.

Webflow Core Workspace Plan

The Core Workspace plan is the first paid workspace plan for in-house teams offered by Webflow.

It costs $19 (if billed yearly) or $28 (if billed monthly) per seat.

The key differences between the Core and the Starter workspace plan are the following:

  • You can have 3 team members in your workspace working on your websites instead of just 1 user, plus you can have 10 instead 2 commenters. You can also control user permissions such as admin, design, editing and commenting
  • 10 staging sites instead of 2, as well as raised limits on static pages and CMS items
  • The ability to add custom code, set up password protection on your pages, and also the ability to export the code of your website to host it elsewhere

If you are interested to learn more, read the Webflow Core Workspace Plan article.

Webflow Growth Workspace Plan

The Growth Workspace plan is the highest paid workspace plan for in-house teams offered by Webflow, apart from the Enterprise plan.

It costs $49 (if billed yearly) or $60 (if billed monthly) per seat.

The key differences between the Growth and the Core workspace plan are the following:

  • 9 instead of 3 paid users maximum in your workspace and even higher permission control, where you can adjust publishing permissions even on a site-by-site level
  • Unlimited staging sites as well as ability to remove the Webflow badge on staging sites

If you are interested to learn more, read the Webflow Growth Workspace Plan article.

Enterprise Workspace Plan

The Enterprise Plan offers more options in terms of features than any other plan. You can customize it to your specific needs.

The costs associated with it are in proportion to your specific features.

Additional features of the enterprise plan that you don’t get in the other plans are:

  • Uncapped users, up to 10 guests, up to 30 commenters, unlimited staging sites and custom number of pages
  • Work related features like site activity log, page branching & branch staging, private staging, publishing workflows & summary, advanced permissions
  • More core features for your organization like single sign-on, customer success manager and invoice payment

Workspace Plans for Freelancers & Agencies

Apart from the Starter and Enterprise plans which are common for both workspace categories, there are two workspace plans for freelancers and agencies available:

  • Freelancer - $16
  • Agency - $35

You can save up to 33% when billed yearly on all freelancer & agency plans.

Both the Freelancer and the Agency plan offer greater features than the starter workspace plan. There are slight differences between these two in terms of features and capabilities. The main difference lies in the raised limits for various features like the number of users, staging sites etc.

Webflow Freelancer Workspace Plan

The Freelancer Workspace plan is the first paid workspace plan for freelancers & agencies offered by Webflow.

It costs $16 (if billed yearly) or $24 (if billed monthly) per seat.

The key differences between the Freelancer and the Starter workspace plan are the following:

  • You can have 3 team members in your workspace working on your websites instead of just 1 user, plus you can have 10 instead 2 commenters. You can also control various user permissions
  • 10 staging sites instead of 2, as well as raised limits on static pages and CMS items
  • The ability to add custom code, set up password protection on your pages, and also the ability to export the code of your website to host it elsewhere
  • Free guest access in client workspaces

If you are interested to learn more, read the Webflow Freelancer Workspace Plan article. 

Webflow Agency Workspace Plan

The Agency Workspace plan is the highest paid workspace plan for in-house teams offered by Webflow, apart from the Enterprise plan.

It costs $35 (if billed yearly) or $42 (if billed monthly) per seat.

The key differences between the Agency and the Freelancer workspace plan are the following:

  • 9 instead of 3 paid users maximum in your workspace and even higher permission control, where you can adjust publishing permissions even on a site-by-site level
  • Unlimited staging sites as well as ability to remove the Webflow badge on staging sites
  • Free guest access in client workspaces

If you are interested to learn more, read the Webflow Agency Workspace Plan article.

How to choose the right paid Webflow workspace plan?

Workspace plans are billed per seat. So, if you are an agency with e.g. five webflow developers, you will go for the ‘Agency’ plan, and pay for five seats in that workspace.

On the other hand, if you are an organization with an in-house team developing and working on your websites, then you would go for one of the in-house teams plans. Let's use the example of five people again, in that case you would go for the ‘Growth’ workspace plan, and pay for five seats.

Upgrading and Managing Plans

The process of upgrading, downgrading, or managing your Webflow workspace plans is designed to be flexible and user-friendly. If you're switching between plans, Webflow makes adjustments to your billing cycle accordingly, and automatically calculates all of the costs, taking into account the unused credit from your current plan. Sometimes, promotional codes or discounts can be applied to new upgrades, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for those.

Upgrading Your Plan

  1. To upgrade, simply log into your Webflow dashboard, then go to the desired workspace and click on the option on your left hand side called ‘Plans’.
  2. Here, you can view your current plan and explore other plans available.
  3. Choose a plan that fits your needs and click “Upgrade to…”.
  4. After the payment is completed, you immediately have access to the additional features.

Downgrading Your Plan

  1. Downgrading is just as straightforward.
  2. Go to the same section where you upgraded.
  3. Select a lower-tier plan that suits your current requirements.
  4. Confirm your choice, and your plan will be adjusted accordingly.

BONUS TIP: Keep in mind, you will not be able to downgrade to a lower plan before you meet the requirements for it. For example, if you want to downgrade to the Starter workspace plan, you need to remove a number of staging websites until you only have two left.


Webflow offers both monthly and annual billing options, allowing you to choose what works best for your budget. Annual plans often come at a discounted rate, providing long-term savings. For billing management, access the plans section in your workspace. In the upper right corner, you have a toggle switch to change the billing cycle.


  • For individuals or small entities needing just one website, Webflow's Starter Workspace Plan often suffices, eliminating the immediate need for a paid upgrade.
  • Webflow offers diverse Workspace Plans tailored for individuals, in-house teams, and agencies, with flexible billing and the option to upgrade or downgrade based on your project's scale and team size.
  • Key distinctions in plans revolve around user count, site management features, and advanced functionalities like custom code and permission settings.

Need guidance on choosing the right plan or managing your subscription? We're here to help! Reach out to Tunel Studio for expert advice and support.

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FAQ about Webflow Workspace Plans


Difference between Webflow workspace plans and site plans?

Workspace plans are for managing users, permissions, and collaboration on multiple sites. Site plans focus on individual website features like hosting and specific site functionalities.


How many workspaces can you have in Webflow?

Each account gets one free starter workspace upon sign-up. You can create and pay for multiple workspaces if needed.


Do I need a workspace in Webflow?

Yes, every Webflow account includes a workspace, essential for creating, managing, and collaborating on websites.


How many websites can I publish with Webflow?

With the starter workspace, you can have two staging sites and unlimited hosted sites on paid plans. Paid plans offer more.


Can I transfer a website between different Webflow workspaces?

Yes, you can. If you're invited to a workspace, you can seamlessly transfer the site there. If not, simply enter the email address of the account to which the site should be transferred.