Webflow Starter (Free) Workspace Plan

Webflow Starter (Free) Workspace PlanWebflow Starter (Free) Workspace Plan
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The Webflow Starter (Free) Workspace Plan is ideal for individual designers just beginning with Webflow. This is the first option out of all the Webflow workspace plans, and you get it assigned upon signing up to Webflow. It provides fundamental tools and features necessary for starting web design and collaboration projects, all at no cost.

To learn more about Webflow's pricing and plans, check out our in-depth Webflow pricing article.

Starter Workspace Plan Costs

When you sign up for Webflow, you get a free Workspace by default. It is always free, with no hidden costs.

Who Is It Suited For?

  • Individual Designers: Ideal for solo designers exploring Webflow’s capabilities.
  • Beginners in Web Design: For those new to web design and looking to learn and experiment with Webflow.
  • Small Businesses: Ideal for small business owners who need a basic website with a few pages to outline their services, contact details, and company information.

What You Can Use It For?

  • Learning and Experimentation: A platform for individuals or small teams to learn the basics of Webflow and web design.
  • Small Project Development: Suitable for developing and staging small projects with basic design needs.

Key Features of the Starter (Free) Workspace Plan

  • Team Size and Collaboration: Supports one full design access user, two freelancer or agency guests and two free commenters, enabling basic collaboration and feedback.
  • Staging and Testing: Includes two Webflow.io staging sites for testing and presenting web projects.
  • Basic Security Features: Provides standard security features like two-factor authentication for a safe and secure design environment.

Limitations of the Starter Workspace Plan

  • Limited Team Size: Supports a maximum of one full user, constraining collaboration opportunities.
  • Restricted Staging Capabilities: Only two staging sites may not be sufficient for teams needing to work on multiple projects simultaneously.

Starter (Free) vs. Core vs. Freelancer Workspace Plan Comparison

Feature Starter (Free) Core ($19) Freelancer ($16)
Team size 1 user Up to 3 users Up to 3 users
Full design access role Yes Yes Yes
Content editing role - Yes Yes
Billing permissions - Yes Yes
Publishing permissions - - -
Free Agency or Freelancer Guests Up to 2 guests Up to 2 guests Up to 2 guests
Free commenters Up to 2 commenters Up to 10 commenters Up to 10 commenters
Webflow.io staging sites 2 10 10
Pages per staged site 2 150 150
Custom code - Yes Yes
Site password protection - Yes Yes
Remove Webflow badge on staged sites - - -
Launch with a custom domain Requires a site plan Requires a site plan Requires a site plan
Site transfer Yes Yes Yes
Code export - Yes Yes
Two-factor authentication Yes Yes Yes
Single sign-on - - -
Support Email Email Email
Payment - Credit Card Credit Card


  • Default workspace every new Webflow account gets.
  • A starter solution for individual designers or small teams, the plan introduces the basics of Webflow’s design and collaboration tools.
  • Ideal for learning, experimenting, and small-scale project development within Webflow’s environment.

If you're ready to explore the possibilities of web design with Webflow and need guidance or have questions, feel free to reach out to us.

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FAQ about Webflow’s Starter (Free) Workspace Plan


Can 2 people work on Webflow?

Yes, two people can work simultaneously in Webflow using different modes. While one person can use the design mode to build and design the structure of the site, others can use the edit mode to add or edit content.


How many websites can I publish with Webflow?

With the free Starter Workspace Plan, you can publish two staging sites on the Webflow.io domain. For publishing to custom domains, you need a paid site plan.


Do I need a Webflow workspace?

Yes, a Webflow workspace is necessary to create and manage Webflow projects. The Starter Workspace Plan is free and suitable for beginners or small projects.


How many workspaces can I have in Webflow?

You can have multiple workspaces in Webflow, but each workspace needs a separate account. The number of workspaces depends on your project needs and plan selections.


What are the limitations of the Webflow starter plan?

The Starter Workspace Plan limits you to one user, two staging sites, no custom code or advanced features, and does not support code export. It's ideal for individual users starting with basic web projects.