How to invite collaborators in Webflow?

How to invite collaborators in Webflow?How to invite collaborators in Webflow?
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Inviting collaborators to your Webflow site is a straightforward process. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log in to your Webflow Dashboard
  2. Navigate to your Desired Workspace
  3. In the settings section click on "Team"
  4. Invite a member, commenter or guest

Furthermore, you can define what your collaborators can and cannot do. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find your desired site and click on "Site Settings"
  2. Inside the site settings, click on "Site Access"
  3. Choose the appropriate “Site Role” for your new collaborator

In Webflow, you can tailor your collaborators’ roles and permissions on a workspace-level and on a site-level.

Workspace-level roles and permissions

Inviting someone to your workspace grants them visibility and certain permissions to all websites within that workspace. You can invite collaborators to have one of five workspace roles:

  • Owner
  • Admin
  • Member
  • Guest (Agency or Freelancer)
  • Commenter

Role/Permission Commenter Guest Member Admin Owner
Preview Sites
Create, View, and Resolve Comments
Access All Sites Within a Workspace
Edit Sites in Edit Mode -
Configure Integrations -
Update Workspace Templates -
Invite Members to the Workspace - -
Download Invoices - -
Update Invoicing Settings - - -
Add, Update, or Remove the Credit Card on File - - -
Edit the Workspace Plan and Settings - - -
Invite and Remove Members from the Workspace - - - ✓ (except the owner)
Manage Member Permissions - - -
Request Transfer of Workspace Ownership to an Admin - - - -
Delete the Workspace - - - -

You can adjust your team’s roles and permissions in the "Team" section of your workspace settings. Guests and commenters can only be added and removed. For your members, you can change their roles from a dropdown menu.

Site-level roles and permissions

You can control what your collaborators can do on a site-by-site level. By default, all Workspace collaborators on your team (except commenters) are able to design and publish all sites in your Workspace. You can assign one of five roles to your collaborators:

  • Site admin
  • Can design
  • Can design (Limited)
  • Can edit
  • Can comment

Role/Permission Can Comment Can Edit Can Design (Limited) Can Design Site Admin
Preview Sites
Create, View, and Resolve Comments
Publish Changes to the Live Site - Depends on 'Can Publish' Toggle Depends on 'Can Publish' Toggle Depends on 'Can Publish' Toggle
Create and Merge Page Branches -
Edit Sites in Edit Mode -
Edit Text, Links, and Images -
Add, Edit, and Publish New Collection Items -
Modify Page Settings -
View and Download Form Submissions -
View the Site Activity Log -
Open the Site in and Design in the Designer - -
Create New Classes - -
Modify Existing Classes and Components - - -
Manage Site-Level Permissions - - - -
Transfer the Site Out of the Workspace - - - -
Delete the Site - - - -
Manage and View Billing Information - - - -
Purchase a Site Plan for the Site - - - -

To manage site-level roles and permissions, navigate to the desired "Site Settings" and click on the "Site Access" section. From there, you can assign roles to your collaborators from a dropdown menu, ranging from Site Admin to Can Comment. This setup enables you to control what collaborators can do on a site-by-site basis, ensuring they have the appropriate level of access for their tasks. By default, all workspace collaborators, except those with a commenter role, can design and publish sites, with further customization available for administrative actions and publishing permissions.

How to remove collaborators from Webflow?

Removing collaborators from your Webflow projects or workspace is as easy as inviting them. 

Here's the simple process to follow:

  1. From your Webflow dashboard, select the workspace from which you want to remove a collaborator and click on the "Team" tab.
  1. Find the collaborator you wish to remove. Click on the options (three dots icon) next to the collaborator's name, and select "Remove" from the drop-down menu.
  1. Confirm your decision by clicking "Confirm" to finalize the removal of the collaborator from your workspace.


  • Workspace Invitations: Easily invite collaborators across your Webflow workspace, providing access to all sites with roles from owner to commenter based on their involvement.
  • Site Permissions: Simplify access at the site level, assigning roles from Site Admin to Can Edit for precise control over what collaborators can do.
  • Ease of Management: Webflow makes adding or removing collaborators straightforward, ensuring you have full control over who can access and contribute to your workspace and sites.

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FAQ about inviting collaborators in Webflow


How can I restrict a collaborator's access to specific pages within a site?

Currently, Webflow does not offer page-specific access controls within a site. Collaborators' permissions are determined at the site level, meaning they have access to all pages within a site according to their site role.


What happens to content created by a collaborator if they are removed from the workspace?

When a collaborator is removed from a Webflow workspace, the content they created remains intact. Ownership of the content does not change with the collaborator's status.


Can collaborators invite other collaborators?

The ability to invite additional collaborators in Webflow is restricted only to workspace Owners, Admins, and Members. This ensures that control over team expansion is maintained by those with administrative privileges.


How do workspace or site role changes affect ongoing projects or drafts a collaborator is working on?

Changing a collaborator's workspace or site role can affect their access to ongoing projects or drafts. If their new role has fewer permissions, they may lose access to certain functionalities or the ability to edit specific content.


Is there a way to set temporary access for a collaborator, automatically revoking their access after a certain period?

Webflow does not currently offer a built-in feature for setting temporary access that automatically expires. To manage temporary collaborations, an admin must manually remove the collaborator's access at the end of the agreed period.