Yoast SEO for Webflow

Yoast SEO for WebflowYoast SEO for Webflow
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Yoast SEO is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress, but when it comes to Webflow, a direct counterpart doesn't exist. While options like Semflow attempt to fill this gap in Webflow, they fall short in delivering the comprehensive functionality that Yoast offers. However, there's no cause for concern.

Webflow elegantly addresses the essentials of SEO natively, integrating robust features within its platform. Webflow has you covered with its powerful, built-in SEO capabilities, ensuring your site is optimized and effective without the need for external plugins.

Webflow vs. Yoast: A Comprehensive Feature Analysis

It's important to learn how Webflow's native features compare to those offered by Yoast SEO. This comparison will highlight how you can effectively achieve similar and in most cases better SEO outcomes by leveraging the help from the built-in tools of Webflow.

Below is a detailed, specific comparison of key Yoast features and how each one is addressed within Webflow.

SEO Analysis (Yoast)

Limited to basic keyword usage and text length checks; lacks advanced data through WDF*IDF analysis, which is essential for a more accurate SEO strategy.

Webflow Alternative: Promotes a nuanced SEO approach, focusing on content quality and relevance. Users should consider to use WDF*IDF analysis for keyword optimization, which Webflow's flexible content system supports well.

The abbreviation WDF*IDF stands for “Within document frequency*Inverse document frequency”. With the help of WDF*IDF, texts can be analyzed and evaluated. WDF determines the relevance of the content and IDF the weighting of a word compared to other documents with similar content.

Source: eology.net

Readability Analysis (Yoast)

The criteria for readability in SEO terms can be subjective and not necessarily SEO-relevant.

Webflow Alternative: No automated readability tool, but Webflow provides the flexibility to craft user-focused content that can naturally help improve readability.

XML Sitemaps (Yoast)

The sitemaps generated may not always align with Google's best practices.

Webflow Alternative: Automatically generates and updates sitemaps in a format that's more aligned with Google's preferences. Webflow also allows using custom sitemap uploads.

Breadcrumbs (Yoast)

Basic implementation with limited customization options.

Webflow Alternative: Offers the ability to manually create breadcrumbs, providing greater design flexibility.You can use the Webflow CMS to dynamically populate breadcrumb paths, enhancing site structure and user navigation.

Canonical URLs (Yoast)

Provides basic site functionality but could be improved in terms of flexibility.

Webflow Alternative: Offers robust canonical URL settings. When utilized effectively, especially within the Webflow CMS, it can significantly enhance SEO and prevent duplicate content issues.

Title and Meta Description Templating (Yoast)

Though useful, it can lead to a generic, templated approach.

Webflow Alternative: Allows for customizing meta data (titles and descriptions) for each page. Using the Webflow CMS, this feature can help make even more efficient and personalized.

Focus Keyphrase Identification (Yoast)

Overly simplistic and can misguide users about the complexity of keyword optimization.

Webflow Alternative: No direct feature, Webflow encourages a more holistic and content-focused SEO strategy.

Google Search Console Integration (Yoast)

Somewhat useful, but it requires understanding what to look for in GSC, as a misinterpretation can negatively impact SEO.

Webflow Alternative: No direct integration; however, connecting a Webflow site to Google Search Console is straightforward and offers comprehensive data analytics for informed SEO decisions.

Social Media Preview (Yoast)

A useful feature for visualizing social shares.

Webflow Alternative: Offers the use of Open Graph settings to customize social media previews.

Bulk Editor (Yoast)

Beneficial for large sites requiring quick bulk edits.

Webflow Alternative: Does not feature a bulk editor; however, by setting up the CMS fields correctly from the start (e.g. blog - blog meta title field, blog meta description field etc.), Webflow can achieve similar efficiency for SEO adjustments.

Noindex Content (Yoast)

Useful for controlling indexing but limited as it cannot be used simultaneously with canonical URLs, which is a significant drawback.

Webflow Alternative: Allows setting a page as 'noindex' directly just via custom code (e.g. single article or product page), offering more flexibility in content management. Webflow offers custom code fields on a page level and site level.

Insights Tool (Yoast)

Basic content analysis tool; advanced analysis like WDF*IDF is needed for better insights.

Webflow Alternative: No direct feature, but the content-first approach of Webflow allows for thoughtful, manual analysis and optimization of every page.

Internal Linking Suggestions (Yoast Premium)

The suggestions aren’t always contextually appropriate.

Webflow Alternative: No automated tool, but manual internal linking can be more precise and relevant.

Redirect Manager (Yoast Premium)

Useful but a paid feature - despite free alternatives available in WordPress.

Webflow Alternative: Offers manual page redirect management within its platform, providing a similar functionality for free and without requiring additional plugins for your website.

Synonyms and Related Keyphrases (Yoast Premium)

An oversimplified feature that may not be consistently effective.

Webflow Alternative: Does not offer this feature - which is unnecessary - as the focus is on organic content optimization. Webflow encourages naturally incorporating synonyms and related terms within the content.

Automated Internal Linking (Yoast Premium)

Can sometimes suggest irrelevant links.

Webflow Alternative: Webflow does not offer this feature, but manual linking can make sure that a more relevant and strategic link is placed.

Multiple Focus Keywords (Yoast Premium)

Overly simplistic - effective keyword strategy requires more in-depth SEO knowledge.

Webflow Alternative: While not providing a direct feature for multiple keywords, Webflow's flexibility allows for an integrated, natural approach to using relevant keywords throughout the content.

Focus Keyword Export (Yoast Premium)

This is more of a convenience feature than a critical SEO tool.

Webflow Alternative: No direct feature, but the site-wide SEO strategy can be managed through Webflow's native analytics and SEO settings.

1-year Access to 24/7 Support (Yoast Premium)

Beneficial for dedicated support for your website.

Webflow Alternative: Webflow offers its own support channels and an extensive community for assistance, accessible to all new and old users without time restrictions.

No Ads (Yoast Premium)

Enhances user experience within the Yoast plugin.

Webflow Alternative: The Webflow interface is ad-free, focusing solely on the user experience, design and SEO functionality.

Orphaned Content Filter (Yoast Premium)

Identifies content lacking internal links.

Webflow Alternative: Webflow’s CMS encourages a structured content strategy for your site, mitigating the issue of orphaned content. The use of free tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider can be of great help in identifying useful data about orphaned pages on your website.

Redirect Attachment URLs (Yoast Premium)

Addresses issues related to image attachment URLs.

Webflow Alternative: Provides direct control over URL structures on your site. Images are hosted on seperate domains optimized for assets.

Automated Internal Linking (Yoast Premium)

Provides suggestions but may not be contextually accurate.

Webflow Alternative: Lacks automated internal linking, instead emphasizing the importance of manual, strategic placement of internal links for more effective SEO.

Content Insights (Yoast Premium)

Lacks depth in analysis - again, advanced techniques like WDF*IDF are more effective.

Webflow Alternative: No automated content insights; emphasizes the importance of manual content evaluation and optimization.


  • Webflow has built-in SEO tools that are easy to use. You don't need extra plugins like you do with WordPress so you use Yoast SEO.
  • With Webflow, you get even more features without the extra cost, unlike Yoast's paid upgrades.
  • With good planning and organization, a website on Webflow makes SEO smarter, not harder. It guides you with clear explanations of features and offers its own audit tool to keep your SEO on track.

Got questions or want expert help with your Webflow SEO? Reach out to Tunel Studio – we're here to provide assistance!

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FAQ about Yoast SEO & Webflow


Does Yoast work with Webflow?

No, Yoast SEO is specifically designed for WordPress and cannot be integrated with Webflow. However, Webflow offers its own comprehensive set of SEO tools that allow for effective site optimization, unlike WordPress.


Can we do SEO in Webflow?

Absolutely! Webflow has built-in SEO tools that let you manage meta titles, descriptions, Open Graph settings, and more. It allows for a deep level of SEO customization directly within the Webflow platform.


Is Webflow better than WordPress for SEO?

When it comes to SEO, the platform itself is less important than the knowledge and strategies you apply. That said, Webflow often emerges as a more user-friendly option for SEO compared to WordPress. While WordPress requires plugins like Yoast to enhance SEO capabilities, which can add complexity, Webflow integrates powerful and intuitive SEO tools natively. Ultimately, good SEO practice is platform-independent, and no tool or plugin can substitute for solid SEO knowledge and tactics.


Where do I put SEO in Webflow?

SEO settings in Webflow can be accessed in the 'Page Settings' for individual pages, where you can set meta titles, descriptions, Open Graph settings, and more. Webflow also allows for site-wide SEO settings under the project settings.


How do I optimize SEO on Webflow?

To optimize SEO on Webflow, focus on well-written content, use relevant keywords, set up meta titles and descriptions, create clean URLs, and utilize Webflow's built-in tools for sitemap generation and Open Graph settings. It's also important to ensure your Webflow website has a responsive design and fast loading times.